I have been playing with my camera lately and realised that it is somewhat more sensitive then the human eye. So, I have been taking a few pics of seeds in flask that I recently sowed to see if I could pic up any germination or swelling of embryos. I have included a few pics below just for fun.
The first image is of seeds sown of Phaius tankervilleae about 10 days ago. Already the embryos have started to swell which is good news. The second image is of Epidendrum radicans, also about 10 days old. Then, the little blurry green blobs are from seeds of a Coelogyne mooreana hybrid which I kindly received from Paul Zuijdam. I had to wait to sow these so they sat in the fridge for a bit until I replaced my HEPA filter recently. The last image if of swelling embryos of Eulophia streptopetala.
Phaius tankervilleae |
Epidendrum radicans |
Coelogyne mooreana hybrid |
Eulophia streptopetala |