Saturday, June 13, 2020

Winter action!

Recently, after a bit of a cold snap here in Rockhampton, more of my winter-growing terrestrials have been emerging from their summer rest. I joined the Australian Native Orchid Society (Victoria division) when I moved here in 2019. They have an active tuber bank and I decided to try a few of the easier species on their list of available species. So far almost all of the species I obtained have emerged, with a few exceptions. I have added a few photos of some of these below, some of which are South African species. I have also added a few photos of some plants that recently bloomed, or are just beginning to bloom, or are getting ready to bloom. Of these I am very proud of the Phaius australis which will be a first time bloomer this year. 

Liparis viridiflora

Liparis viridiflora close-up

Tuberolabium kotoense
Tuberolabium kotoense close-up
Phaius australis spike - first time bloomer this year
Rhynchostylis gigantea alba - 3 spikes!
On 1 July 2020
Rhynchostylis gigantea subsp. violacea
On 1 July 2020

Pterostylis laxa

Pterostylis pedunculata

Pterostylis robusta

Pterostylis truncata

Pterygodium catholicum
Satyrium ligulatum

Satyrium odorum

Serapias neglecta (background) and Serapis lingua (foreground)