Friday, September 27, 2013

WBOS show

The Walker Bay Orchid Society annual show was held from 19-21 September with Thursday 19th reserved for judging of the members' plants by the official SAOC judges. I arrived early on Thursday morning to assist with putting things together and placing the plants into their respective sections and classes (not as simple as you might think!). After doing some quick name changes and moving of pants around into their correct classes, all was set for the judges who arrived that afternoon. I watched their every move. There were three judges and I followed them around as they went from plant to plant in each class and section (about 167 classes in total if I remember correctly). I was very surprised at the turnout by the members. There was a huge diversity of species and hybrids on display and there were some which I had my eye on! I took a number of photographs of many different types but I just could not get all of them. I have included the best images here below and this time I also remembered the details too! The Grand champion was a beautiful Phalaenopsis i-Hsin Sesame (Monalisa Smile). The Reserve champion was a lovely velvet red Cymbidium Sensational Tapestry Purple Berry. Both are owned by Jan Smit. I received a couple of awards for some of my plants that I displayed; first in class for Dendrobium speciosum var. Boreale, second in class for Dendrobium kingianum and Cymbidium "Bulbarrow", Third in class for Prosthechea cochleata, and a first in section, first in class and special commendation for Holothrix cernua. Despite the bad weather the turnout of the public on Friday and Saturday was excellent and we all had a great time chatting about our plants and making a bit of spare cash from our sales. I bought a couple of plants from a fellow member and I also came home with the chairman's Angraecum eburneum after I pollinated its flowers with pollen from another member. I hope the attempt at pollination takes!
Unfortunately my Bonatea speciosa didn't make the show and it still hasn't opened any of its flowers. This cold weather we have been having slowed many of my plants down and a number of our members had the same problem with some of their plants. There is always next year though.

Angraecum eburneum, by Colin Anderson

Angraecum sesquipedale, by Patrick Donnelly

Brassia Rattler, by Karen Burger

Calanthe vestita, by Willem Fourie

Name to come

Coelogyne flaccida, by Ria Wolstenholme

Cymbidium iriodes giganteum, by Jan Smit

Cymbidium Valley Zenith Discus, by Kobus Loubser

Cymbidium Pure Land Aussie, by Jan Smit

Cymbidium Sensational Tapestry Purple Berry, by Jan Smit

Dendrobium kingianum Fluroking "Speckles", by Willem Fourie

Name to come

Dendrobium nobile, by Marinus Nolte

Dendrobium speciosum, by Patrick Donnelly

Dendrobium speciosum var. boreale, by me

Prosthechea Beacon fire, by Ria Wolsterholme

Lycaste lassioglossa, by Pietman Rohland

Maxillaria miniata, by Colin Anderson

Odontoglossum nobile hybrid, by Andy Wright

Paphiopedilum Extra Grand "Combina", by Kobus Loubser

Paphiopedilum villosum, by Kobus Loubser

Name to come

Name to come

Laeliocattleya marriottiana, by Willem Fourie

Zygopetalum Paardeberg Blue, by Marinus Nolte

Plant tables

The winners' table

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